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Ivana Baquero for Belleza Solitaria: «an act of generosity has a domino effect that we are sometimes not even aware of»

She is one of our most international actresses. Ivana Baquero's career is a long-distance race in which she gracefully alternates Spanish films and series (Alta Mar) with others shot in Los Angeles and New Zealand (Spartacus), while mastering two languages.

This past 2024 I was lucky enough to film La Viuda Negra with her, a true crime produced by Bambú and directed by Carlos Sedes (El Caso Asunta). During filming it was common to find her silent, focused and very attentive of the interactions with her colleagues and the director. I suspect that this capacity for observation, analysis and learning is one of the reasons why, at only 30 years old, she has accumulated so much wisdom, both in her work and in her personal life. Discovering Ivana is realizing that the key to success is not only talent. In her case, this is accompanied by self-demand, discipline and perfectionism. She never loses focus and works tirelessly to achieve excellence. One of the most beautiful women I have ever done makeup for, committed to her work, empathetic and a friend, but at the same time brave and determined when it comes to taking on a character.

You like to be introduced as… “Ivana, no more. My shy and reserved side fears this question… I am one of those who fear these circles where you have to introduce yourself and talk about yourself. I enjoy listening to others more”.

If you weren't an actress you would be… “A lawyer. In fact, I started training for it. I come from a family of lawyers and I have always been interested in literature and law, so I have never considered any other career”.

What irritates Ivana Baquero the most… “Disorder and dirt. My mind does not rest in a chaotic space”.

What quality do you value the most… “Empathy. It is essential in my profession to connect with the stories and characters I play, but everyday I increasingly realize how valuable it is.”

A song… “How difficult! I will tell you a secret, until three months ago I still had an iPod and bought songs drop by drop through Apple music. Now I have discovered Spotify (I know I am late), and an infinite horizon of music has opened up to me. Right now, I am listening to If You Could Only See by Tonic in the background”.

A book…The Prince of the Mist. I am an absolute fan of Carlos Ruiz Zafón and I have read almost all of his books. Discovering the trilogy of the Mist has been a gem and I am dying to devour the other two”.

A dream to fulfill… “To return to Japan! I visited it briefly when I was twelve years old to promote Pan's Labyrinth, and since then I have always wanted to return”.

Tell us about solidarity. Solidarity is… “A gesture that can change the world”.

The cause you are most involved in and why… “There are many causes that I am passionate about and others that are very close to my heart. I try to offer my support to whoever needs it whenever I have the opportunity. For example, any ONG that supports childhood illnesses, vulnerable families, breast cancer research… Today I would like to give a voice to ataxias, a neurodegenerative disease that affects coordination and balance. For now, a cure has not been found, but research is crucial to improve the quality of life of those who suffer from it and advance medical research”.

A person you admire for their commitment… “Just a few days ago I finished the book The Art of Compassion by the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, in which he offers a very inspiring message. I’ll stick with it”.

A small gesture that can change the world… “Helping someone without expecting anything in return. An act of generosity has a domino effect that we are sometimes not even aware of”.

A wish for this world… "That we learn to listen more attentively and with empathy”.

What is your daily beauty routine? “I never skip morning and night facial cleansing, accompanied by a well-measured combination of products that nourish my skin and also keep my T-zone or acne-prone areas under control”.

Cosmetic product that is always in Ivana Baquero's makeup bag: “A multifunctional lipstick that I can apply as blush, eye shadow and lipstick”.

Your favorite perfume smells like… “Roses. In particular Rose Chérie by Guerlain”.

A beauty trick that makes you look or feel better: “I like to use tanning foams on my face as a way of creating a light contour the night before. Applied with care and attention, the result is very natural and flattering”.

For you, beauty is… “The authentic expression of your inner essence”.

(c) Interview by Belleza Solidaria.

Translation by Ivana Baquero Italia.



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