In a recent interview by Jamal Niaz to promote her most recent work, Black Friday, which is a horror comedy directed by Casey Tebo, Ivana hinted at some new projects that are coming up for next year.
The interviewer at the end of their chat asked about future projects and she said:
« I do [have future project]. I can't really talk about them and I'm so bummed. But I do have a couple of things coming up in 2022 that will be announced and I can't wait to talk about them. »
Then, according to this, some exciting news is coming up. We have no idea about what it might be, but I remind you that on November 15 Ivana posted an Instagram Story revealing that she was shooting something with Spanish actresses Denisse Peña Molina and Lucia Guerrero. During the shooting there was also the Communications Manager and Public Relations of Bambù Productions, who are the creators of Grand Hotel, Alta Mar, Las Chicas del Cable and many more Spanish shows.
If these speculations are right, then she might be coming back to Spain to work after two years that she spent in United States. Are you excited?